Stiniva beach is a beauty.
This is the second MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACH I have been to in my life – second only for Anse Lazio in Seychelles (which is among the top 10 in the world).
I visited Vis island at the end of May, before the tourist season.
We had read a bit about this place but when we saw it with our own eyes, we were blown away.
You have to park your scooter (or your car) and walk down for about 20 mins (fast) to 30 mins. On the way down you get a bird’s eye view of the cove and you’re in a trance – A secluded white-pebble beach, turquoise waters surrounded by cliffs rising to more than 30 metres in height – what more could one ask ! Once you’re there, you’re in heaven.
If you reach early (before 10am) you may have the beach all to yourself.
In late June, July and August I hear the place does get busy.
The walk back will take you 30 mins or more uphill – but this is totally worth it after a day’s relaxation on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. -“a must see”
Itd, itd, kad se vratim okacicu i poneku sliku.
kaze barba, ajme sta ste mi vi dobri gosti, prvi put da ne moram kruh bacati. e moj barba, kazem mu ja, i sa makaronima jedemo hljeb.
This is the second MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACH I have been to in my life – second only for Anse Lazio in Seychelles (which is among the top 10 in the world).
I visited Vis island at the end of May, before the tourist season.
We had read a bit about this place but when we saw it with our own eyes, we were blown away.
You have to park your scooter (or your car) and walk down for about 20 mins (fast) to 30 mins. On the way down you get a bird’s eye view of the cove and you’re in a trance – A secluded white-pebble beach, turquoise waters surrounded by cliffs rising to more than 30 metres in height – what more could one ask ! Once you’re there, you’re in heaven.
If you reach early (before 10am) you may have the beach all to yourself.
In late June, July and August I hear the place does get busy.
The walk back will take you 30 mins or more uphill – but this is totally worth it after a day’s relaxation on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. -“a must see”
Lijepi otok Vis. Danas malo vise oblacno, pa ekipa otisla u setnju, ja malo pijuckam i uzivam u finom viskom prosheku. Jucer bili kod barba Tonce, koji ima staru kamenu kucu, gdje se nekad riba solila, u kojoj mu je jos pradjed zivio. Auto se ostavi u mjestu Stiniva i odatle imaju dvije 'kozije' staze. Jedna vodi do prekrasne plaze istog imena, a druga do barba Tonce. Ima bogami po sata lomljave tom stazicom. Ali kad se stigne, barba se lijepo sa svima ispozdravlja, pita jesmo li za travaricu, neki jesu, ja uvijek za (popio sam jako puno) i onda malo zamezimo carpaccio od incuna. Mmmm, jami. Kupanje u prekrasnoj uvali ispod kuce, a onda na brodet od hobotnice. Rezervisao moj kum, koji zivi na Visu u dobar je s Toncom. Tonco super lik, stari ribar sa milion nekih interesantnih pricica. To je neoficijelna konoba, sve domace pravi barba Tonco licno. Odbio je grupu Engleza zbog nas. Barba nije gladnih ociju i primi tako po jednu grupu u par dana. Super, super, Beogradjani i ostali iz Srbije slobodno navalite,
kaze barba, ajme sta ste mi vi dobri gosti, prvi put da ne moram kruh bacati. e moj barba, kazem mu ja, i sa makaronima jedemo hljeb.
"Ne volim te zbog onoga što jesi, već zbog onoga što sam ja kad sam pored tebe."
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